Benefit from our locations in Germany and Europe. By belonging to the DMS Deutsche Möbelspedition, more than 60 other companies in Germany and Europe complement the strength of DMS Schmitt. This makes relocations or storage services an almost unlimited service.
Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 27
71034 Böblingen
Phone 07031 / 72 62 – 0
Wackler & Schmitt Möbelspedition GmbH
Kuhnbergstr. 13
73037 Göppingen
Phone 07161 / 96 59 79 – 0
Fax 07161 / 96 59 79 - 9
Hegele & Schmitt Möbelspedition GmbH
Hardeckstr. 5
76185 Karlsruhe
Phone 0721 / 57009 7352
Fax 0721 / 57009 7370
131 Boulevard Carnot
F-78110 Le Vesinet
Phone 00 33 / 1 / 39 764 305
Schmitt international S.R.L
Strada Primipala Nr. 92
Ro-557117 Mâlâncrav
Phone / Fax 00 40 / 745 / 01 03 79